Introduction to European Blackjack

European Blackjack is a popular variation of the classic card game, and is played all over the world in both land-based and online casinos. While the game is similar to traditional Blackjack or traditional online blackjack, its virtual counterpart, there are a few key differences that set it apart. 

For starters, European Blackjack is typically played with just two decks of cards, as opposed to the six or eight decks used in American Blackjack. Additionally, in European Blackjack, the dealer is not allowed to peek for blackjack, which can make for a slightly different playing experience.

european blackjack explained

The Basics of European Blackjack

The objective of European Blackjack is to get a hand with a higher value than the dealer’s without going over 21. The game is played with a standard deck of 52 cards, with the cards valued as follows: 2-10 are worth their face value, face cards (jacks, queens, and kings) are worth 10, and aces are worth either 1 or 11, depending on what is more beneficial for the hand. In terms of setup, all you need is a table and some chips. 

The table will have designated areas for the players’ bets, as well as a space for the dealer’s cards. Players will be dealt two cards each, while the dealer will be dealt one card face up and one card face down. If you’re new to Blackjack, it’s helpful to familiarize yourself with some of the terms used in the game. 

For example, a “hit” means to ask for another card, while a “stand” means to keep the cards you have and end your turn. Additionally, “bust” means your hand has gone over 21, and “blackjack” refers to a hand of an ace and a 10-point card.

How to Play European Blackjack

The first step in playing European Blackjack is to place your bet. Once all bets are placed, the dealer will deal two cards to each player, as well as one card face up and one card face down to themselves. As a player, you have a few options on your turn. For example, imagine you are dealt a hand of 10 and 6, which adds up to 16. If your hand is worth less than 21, you can “hit” and take another card in hopes of improving your hand. 

In this scenario, it’s generally recommended to hit, as the chances of getting a low card and improving your hand are good.  However, if you are dealt a hand of 10 and 10, which adds up to 20, you’re happy with your hand and can “stand” and keep the cards you have. Additionally, if your first two cards are a pair, such as two 8s, you can “split” them into two separate hands and play them independently. This option gives you the chance to double your bet and potentially increase your chances of winning. Once all players have finished their turns, the dealer will reveal their face-down card and play out their hand according to a set of rules. 

The dealer must hit on 16 and stand on 17. If the dealer busts, all remaining players win. If the dealer does not bust, the value of the player’s hand is compared to the value of the dealer’s hand, with the highest hand winning.

Roulette Street Bet Numbers

Let it be known, in roulette, a street bet is a crucial strategy that involves wagering on a row of three consecutive numbers on the roulette table. Players should be aware that there are precisely 12 street bets that can be made on a standard roulette table. This is due to the 12 rows of three numbers that are arranged in columns on the table.

Each column on the roulette table corresponds to a set of three numbers. For instance, the first column comprises the numbers 1, 2, and 3, the second column comprises the numbers 4, 5, and 6 and so on. Thus, it is imperative for players to recognize that there are 12 street bets that can be made on the roulette table, one for each column of numbers.

Placing a street bet is a simple process, players need only to place their chips on the line of the desired row. As an example, if a player wants to place a street bet on the numbers 1, 2, and 3, they would place their chips on the line at the end of the first row of numbers.

In summary, Street betting is an essential strategy in roulette that involves betting on a row of three consecutive numbers. It is important to understand that there are exactly 12 street bets that can be made on a roulette table and these bets can be placed by placing chips on the line at the end of the desired row of numbers. Players must be familiar with this concept before placing their bets.

blackjack cards on a european blackjack table

European Blackjack Rules

The standard rules of European Blackjack are fairly straightforward, but there can be some variations depending on the casino or online platform you’re playing on. For example, some casinos may allow players to “surrender” their hand and receive half of their original bet back, while others may not. Additionally, some casinos may have different rules for what the dealer must do on certain hands. 

One important thing to note is that in European Blackjack, the dealer is not allowed to peek for blackjack. This means that if the dealer’s face-up card is an ace, they will not check their face-down card for a 10-point card until all players have finished their turns. This can affect the player’s strategy, as they will not know if the dealer has blackjack until it’s too late to make a move.

Tips for Playing European Blackjack

While European Blackjack is a game of chance, there are a few basic strategy tips that can help increase your chances of winning. For example, it’s generally a good idea to always “hit” on a hand of 11 or less, as the chances of going bust are relatively low. 

Additionally, if your hand is worth between 12 and 16, you should consider “standing” if the dealer’s face-up card is a 7 or higher. For more experienced players, advanced strategies such as card counting can be used to gain an even bigger edge. However, it’s important to keep in mind that card counting is not always legal, and can get you banned from a casino if caught. For example, the “Hi-Lo” system is a popular card counting method that involves assigning a value of +1 to low cards (2-6), 0 to neutral cards (7-9) and -1 to high cards (10-Ace).  

By keeping track of the running count, players can adjust their bets and playing strategy to take advantage of the high or low cards remaining in the deck. However, it’s important to keep in mind that card counting is not always legal, and can get you banned from a casino if caught. Some casinos will ask you to leave if they suspect you of counting cards, so it’s best to be discreet and not draw attention to yourself. 

Another common mistake that players make is taking insurance when offered. Insurance is a side bet offered when the dealer’s face-up card is an ace, and it pays out if the dealer has blackjack. 

For example, imagine you’re playing European Blackjack and the dealer’s face-up card is an ace.  The dealer offers you insurance, which would pay 2:1 if they have blackjack. However, the odds of the dealer actually having blackjack are relatively low, only about 31% with a single deck, so taking insurance is generally not a good idea. 

The house edge for an insurance bet is about 7%. It’s generally a better strategy to simply hope that the dealer does not have blackjack, rather than wasting money on an insurance bet.

a jack and ace on a dark mat

European Blackjack Calculator

Note: This table is based on the standard European Blackjack rules and strategy and it’s designed as a general guide, not a definitive rule. The exact strategy may change depending on the number of decks being used, the specific rules of the casino and the player’s own preferences.

Player’s Hand Value Dealer’s Up Card Recommendation
2-11 2-10 Hit
12-16 2-6 Stand
12-16 7-10 Hit
17-21 Any Stand
A,A 2-10 Split
A,A A,A Stand
blackjack dealer placing cards down in a game of european blackjack

Live European Blackjack

Playing European Blackjack in a live casino setting can be a truly unforgettable experience. For example, imagine you’re playing European Blackjack in a lively casino in Las Vegas, the atmosphere is electric and the energy of the casino is contagious. 

The social aspect of playing with other players from all over the world, the possibility of striking up a conversation or making a new friend, adds an extra level of excitement. Additionally, live dealers bring an element of human interaction that can’t be found when playing online. The live dealer’s personality and the ability to interact with them, ask for advice or a joke, makes the game more engaging and fun.

That being said, playing European Blackjack online has its own benefits. Online casinos often offer more variations of the game, such as single deck European Blackjack, or European Blackjack with side bets. 

Additionally, online casinos can be more convenient for players who prefer to play from the comfort of their own home, or who have a busy schedule. Online casinos also often offer more generous bonuses and promotions, such as free spins or cashback offers, that can help increase your chances of winning. 

An example of this is, imagine you sign up for an online casino, you get a welcome bonus of $100, and also receive a cashback of 10% on your losses, which can make your experience more enjoyable and profitable.

Concluding European Blackjack

European Blackjack is a fun and exciting variation of the classic card game. While the game is similar to traditional Blackjack, the use of just two decks of cards and the dealer not being allowed to peek for blackjack add an extra layer of strategy.

I remember the first time I played European Blackjack in a casino, I was a bit intimidated by the rules and strategies, but as I played, I realized that it’s not as difficult as I thought. The dealer not being allowed to peek for blackjack was a new experience for me, but as I understood the rules better, it made the game more interesting and challenging.

By understanding the basics, how to play, rules and tips, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a pro. And if you ever have the chance, playing in a live casino is an experience you don’t want to miss. Remember to always play responsibly and have fun! As the famous gambling author, Hunter S. Thompson said “I have a gambling addiction but my addiction has a purpose – to keep me sharp, to keep me alive, to keep me honest.”

Remember to always play responsibly and have fun!